I wanted to create a site for friends and family to follow the story of my surrogacy adventure. This way, I can keep everyone up to date for those who are interested in praying for our journey through this amazing experience. Thank you for your love and support!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Please spread the word!!!

Kim and Chris recieved the statement from the clinic this week. It's almost $25,000 and it's due before we can do the procedure in April. They have applied for some grants that specifically help people who are dealing with infertility, but they are not sure if they will even receive a response before the money is due. They are also going to take out a home equity loan but there will still be a significant shortfall. Please please please spread the word about their story. Tell your friends and family; every little bit helps. If you are a part of a church, see if they would be willing to help out. I can assure you that Kimberly and Chris will be grateful for your support--this week has been very trying for them and they are under a lot of financial stress. It is ridiculous that so many insurance companies do not cover infertility procedures. They deserve to have a child and money should not be a barrier to acheiving this goal!

1 comment:

  1. Jerri, I saw your plea on facebook and decided to read the story you wrote. May I just say, that I am blown away by you. You are an amazing person and a strong girl to do something so spectacular for a friend. This couple is extremely lucky to have you and Davidson in their lives and your story is something we all should read. I have to say that I have always said that I would do this for a friend if ever needed, but deep down it is difficult to know if you would go through it all. I will pray for you guys through this and speak to people to see if there is any help I can get to you guys, but I wanted to say that God has got to be impressed with the lady you have become, because I know the world is.
