I wanted to create a site for friends and family to follow the story of my surrogacy adventure. This way, I can keep everyone up to date for those who are interested in praying for our journey through this amazing experience. Thank you for your love and support!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Keeping you in the loop...

Sorry for the delay in posting...we have been slowly regrouping. We met with the doctor for a consult to discuss the reasons why the IVF may have failed, back in mid to late May. She said it could have been a fluke and that the embryos that they selected just weren't meant to become babies. Other possibilities were all related to possible conditions that I may have. They are supposedly rare, which is why they do not test for them prior to the embryo transfer. The big three they are checking for are a blood clotting disorder, an autoimmune disease (like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis), or natural killer cells (which I think sounds like something you would see in the new Terminator movie). The least bad--that doesn't sound right--would be a blood clotting disorder. For that, they would have me take extra folic acid and then a blood thinner the day of the next transfer procedure. Next would be auto immune and for that I would have to take steroids. Finally, the worst for purposes of surrogacy would be natural killer cells, for which the treatment is extensive and more involved. This would rule me out as a surrogate.

All of these conditions would affect my own ability to get pregnant in a similar manner so Davison and I may be learning something about obstacles facing us in the future when we try to create a family.

Please continue to pray, we should know the results in a couple of weeks hopefully. God is faithful and has a purpose in all of this chaos.

I would appreciate prayers for my mom as well, as she is battling some health issues right now and could use some extra love and support. :) She has been a strong, amazing woman throughout all of her tests and I'm so proud of her.

1 comment:

  1. I really hope it is not any of those conditions. I really admire your willingness to be a surrogate having never gone through a pregnancy in the first place. It must be scary, but I am glad to hear that you have such faith in God's plan. I will be praying for you guys, awaiting the news on your results!
